Monday, April 23, 2007

Home From Hood

This was taken coming back from Mt Hood. Again with the CoolPix camera. It was so wierd we were coming down from the mountain and it was gross and cloudy then we got here and SHAZAAM!!! So ya another of my beautiful landscape photos. Hit me up or leave me a comment!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Angel Ryderz!

This is a logo sketch for a Rap-group out of Vegas. DJ Redemption, was their leader and my contact. I was designing a logo for his group, but from what I understand Redeption has returned to his roots as a Techno DJ. So this is the Sketch that I never put through illistrator. The Angel Ryderz with never ride again. Well makes for a good Graffiti Art piece in any case.


Here's some of the supplies I use for my art. Thought It might be good to share the info. Feel free to contact me in regards to any of the supplies you see. thx

Rainbows and Sunshine

This was shot out my backwindow at home with my Nikon. Perfect shot! Full rainbow and blood red leaves of the maple. The whole picture just popped. Felt like Easter morning... even though it was obviously autumn. Nonetheless hit me back ad lemme know watcha think. Thx again.


Cross for tattoo...

This is one of my sketches. I'm told it would make a good tattoo, and I agree. All it needs is some sharper lines and a few small
Modifications. No biggy! Originally it was done in pencil but it needed bigger bolder lines. So I sharpied over it and now it looks better. Very religiously based, a little out of my genre but that's cool with me. Give me your impressions or comments... thx

Driving Highway 12

Taken while driving on highway 12. I am quite pleased with the outcome of the picture since we were driving and I was again using my CoolPix P2 camera. You can see the window tinting on the top of the picture, but I think it adds a nice touch to the photo. Please leave you comments!

Wow What A View!

My dad overlooking the valley surrounding Rimrock Lake and state highway 12. We were hunting and it just seemed like an awesome picture. Very little embelishment on the photo. The colors were very close to what you see. Feel free to leave comments or questions.

Trailer and Truck

Cool picture of the 76' Aloha trailer. Also the hood of a friend, Ken Bloom's, truck. I did it in black and white, I think it goes well with the dusting of snow. Good composition... Tell me watcha think!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Change It Up. Photoshop!

This is a before and after of my wonderful mother. The original is not my own, rather a friend from church took it, Tracy Jackson, a fine photographer. The after image was made because I was bored but the end effect is quite nice. Thanks to Photoshop on my Mac I can bring you all of my work and eventually hope to have anything of any skill compiled within the next few weeks. Please continue to give me your honest opinions of my work... I appreciate the help!

Northwestern Photo 2

Hey I was rooting through all of my photos. I like this one, it lacks some of the finese of the others but good composition in any case. yet again with the Nikon camera so resolution is lacking. This picture was taken on a very rural road about where the previous photo was taken. Alder trees. Enjoy and feel free to let me know watcha think.

Northwestern Photo

Black and White photograph of a hillside about 80 miles South of Yakima. Unfortunately I was using a little Nikon CoolPix P2 so the resolution of the picture is of a poorer quality than I would have liked. However the picture is quite nice in my opinion... tell me what you think. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

Hello and Welcome

I'd like to welcome you all to my blogsite. The main purpose for this is so that I can begin to compile my art into some form of order... we'll see how it goes. If you'd like to see more about me check out my profile on MySpace.

This blog is where I will begin to place my art so please continue to veiw the blog for updates and more artwork. There is really no limit to what will be on here in the way of art. I do photo, oil, acrylic, sketching, and any combination of other artistic venues.